Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Transformation Story

I sent this into for their female transformation of the week I hope they pick me that would be too cool!!!


Before Weight: 165
Before Body Fat %: 36%

After Weight: 122
Body Fat: 16%

Why I Decided to Change My Body:
As a child I danced. I started dance at 3 years old and competitively danced ever since. At 15 years old I had my first knee surgery and from there it all went down hill. After that I kept having more and more complications and had to have more surgeries. Even though I was still on a dance team I was not working out with them like I had previously and was still eating whatever I wanted. I started to pack on the pounds quietly without notice. I honestly thought that my body had not changed at all. Then I saw pictures of myself and was shocked I could not believe that was me. I had gained a lot of weight and went from 120 lbs up to 145 lbs in a little over a year and did not even recognize it. Even when I did realize it I lived in a state of denial and kept eating whatever I wanted. I thought I was still healthy enough and everyone said I looked fine.  Then the bad news came, the doctor told me that I really shouldn’t be dancing anymore and I was devastated considering I lived to be up on that stage. This is where I packed on 20 more pounds and got to 165 lbs. It was at that point that I tried to loose weight myself you know just cutting some sugars and thinking I was eating healthier and I guess for me I was. I dropped down to 145 after high school and maintained around there for along time. I was never truly happy though because I had lost weight but did not have muscle. Then came Kevin came along, the love of my life, and introduced me into this new world of health and fitness. We got married and I decided I wanted to be healthier so I tried everything in all the magazines for exercise but I still wasn’t willing to give up all of the “good” foods like ice cream, pizza, and fast foods. Eventually you just get sick of being over weight and unhappy with your body so I decided to make a change for the better. Kevin found me an online trainer program, Jamie Eason’s Live Fit Trainer, and that is where I started. I went from 150 lbs to 137 lbs which was amazing for me. I started eating clean and doing regular training and I loved the way my body started looking and the way I felt on the inside. I felt good. The 12 week program ended and I knew I needed to keep going to reach new goals for myself. Then as I was looking on at different workouts and fitness competitions I found the bikini category competitions and said that is exactly what I want to do. I want to be on stage again doing that. So I set my mind to it that I would be one of those bikini girls. I started with a personal trainer at my gym and started eating healthy but not exactly clean. I dropped weight again but not enough to be in a competition but I knew that was my goal and I needed to accomplish it. I was again online looking at these competitions and saw a link to competition coaches and decided to get in contact with one. Sandy Hancock was my coach for this competition and I am so glad I decided to do it. This was easily the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life but completely worth every second. I have never felt better in my life. I ate clean and I trained hard and it paid off. I started working with her in January of 2013 and on April 20, 2013 I stepped on stage for my very first bikini competition. The feeling was amazing, everything I had missed from dance but so much more because I knew that I had put in the hard work and dedication. I knew that when I stepped on that stage I had done everything I possibly could to be ready and it all paid off in the end. When I stepped on that stage I told myself that even if I did not win I would be as confident and beautiful as I was feeling and that I would have absolutely no regrets from that day.  It paid off because I took first place in my class and that feeling was incredible.

When and how long it took me:

This has been a gradual change. I started really working out and trying in August of 2011 with the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer. Then I maintained around 137-140 for about a year because school and work and sickness got in the way. Then in August of 2012 I started with my trainer at the gym and lost weight down to 133 lbs. Then with my coach Sandy Hancock I started hard core training and nutrition for this competition on January 20, 2013 and competed on April 20, 2013. All in all to loose everything I needed to it took me about two years.


  1. You look absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! I'm so glad I found your blog, thank heavens for pinterest!! You are such an inspiration and really got me thinking about getting a personal trainer, I looked up yours and noticed she is from So Jordan but I'm in Farmington so I'm just trying to figure out details. If it's not too weird I would love to talk to you and have you answer some questions for me about where to start.. my number is (801) 915-5887 Again thanks so much for being a great motivation, your amazing!! Keep it up doll!

    Heather Barrus

  2. This is so amazing! Hard work pays off!
